Results – Berjaya Hills – 12th August 2014

It was a lovely morning with cool air at the top of Bukit Tinggi when 10 of the Loose Cannons tee’d off at 8:00am – a pleasant change from the high humidity of the lower altitudes of the Klang Valley. The course was a little patchy with a fair bit of wart hog action on the fairways and in particular the greens were bad having been recently sanded leaving it a rather random process to proceed the ball towards the hole. The course however was relatively quiet with only a few other players who decided to move ahead of us to the 10th rather than sticking behind us as we started on hole 1.
After the game we drove back down the hill to Kampung Bukit Tinggi for a great (and cheap) lunch at Restaurant 126 – well ordered Tony!
The winner again this week was Barry Sage with a great score of 88 and 40 points (24 points on the back 9!) – this is now a back to back win for barry who has obviously found his form. We will be seeing his handicap dropping accordingly! Second was Stuart Taylor with the best gross of the day (84) and 37 points.
Full results below:


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