Christmas Lunch – Coliseum Restaurant – 18th December 2019

Following up on the final invitation, yesterday we had our traditional yearly Xmas Luncheon at Coliseum Cafe & Hotel downtown Kuala Lumpur.

Everyone arrived in time at the bar to have ample time for beers, gin & tonic etc and catching up, before we assembled at our usual room at the back of the restaurant.

Andrew began by asking for a toast for our, no longer with us Loose Canons, since it began years ago;

Murray Preston
Gordon Wingate
Andre Holm
Roger Smith

and this year

Ray Funnel
David Hughes


After that the groups founder Mike Smith said some well thought of encouraging words.

Follow up on that the Convener that’s me, was asked to say something;

– the number players per game has gone down since the heydays of 6-7 flights which is a bit much actually

– in general several players would like to play more games closer to KL 

Perhaps I did not say all this but that’s the situation we are in; more games closer to KL 

I don’t mind the extra travel now and then but if several are not prepared to, it defeats the purpose 

Every groups need new heads/faces now and then. I read that Sir Alex Ferguson during his days came into 

the situation that Manchester United had to change or mover people around every fourth year or so.

Coming end of February next year I have been the convener for three years and in my mind I have had the thoughts is time to handover the baton to someone else and just enjoy playing.

So it’s a done deal, Martin Belderink and Jan van Driel will take over from March 2020.

My last game as a convener will be Feb 25th and it well end were it started, at Bkt Unggul.

Would like to thank Andrew Robinson for organizing this event and the food I think was excellent and better than last year.

I believe the pictures attached speaks for themselves. 


Loose Cannons Xmas Lunch – Coliseum – 9th December 2016


Once again we returned to the Coliseum Cafe for our annual Xmas lunch. There were 16 of us in attendance this year and as per the usual procedure we had drinks prior to lunch in the front bar from 12 noon till around 1pm. We then moved to the back restaurant at our usual long table strategically placed behind some screens, no doubt to shield the other diners from our rabble.

Mike Smith made the introductory remarks giving a brief history of the Loose Cannons golf group and then proposed a toast to absent friends, Gordon Wingate and Murray Preston.

Following the explosion of poppers, tooters and spraying of fake snow we commenced lunch. Interspersed with the food and wine we were entertained by numerous jokes, recitals and songs by the members. Much of these we had heard before but it was always entertaining to hear the same old jokes and songs yet again.

16 bottles of wine were demolished during the lunch after the numerous beers in the bar beforehand so all members duly staggered home well fed and watered.




Loose Cannons Xmas Lunch – Coliseum Cafe – 5th December 2012

The Loose Cannons group convened at the Coliseum Cafe on 5th December at noon for their annual Xmas lunch which was well arranged by our temporary convenor, Mr Andrew Robinson. There were 11 attendees at this luncheon function and the ensuing events of the day are well documented in the following photos and video. 



Christmas Luncheon at the Coliseum on Thursday 15th Dec 2011 No words necessary!!!

When & where it all began!
All still looking respectable and relatively civilised! 
Never mind Hans – How many fingers?
OK Dick…..the answer was 10!

Hans doing an impersonation of Andrew!
The ‘Likely Lads’!!

Spot the hamster!

Darling – I never knew you cared! 

You are very photogenic Mike

Carnage at the Collisuem

Jeezzus…is that who cooked the steak pie. Ray’s twin brother!!!

Revised Xmas Lunch Programme – Coliseum Cafe – 10th December 2010

Cannons all.
We have 10 signed up as I write but are hoping for several more. From the feedback I am getting some of you are baulking at the “mandatory” requirements and others are wondering why we aren’t getting turkey, roast spuds, Christmas pudding etc. etc.
Well, the Coliseum don’t and won’t do Turkey etc., so we have to make do with what they do provide which has a certain colonial nostalgia about it and happens to be quite good fare.  For those of you who believe you are too grown up to wear a santa hat in public or too wimpish to stand up and in some way entertain your friends for a couple of minutes, even if it’s only to wish them merry Christmas, I have softened the programme as modified in green below.
So now get your finger out and sign up for the inaugural Cannons Christmas Lunch.
Arrangements for the CHRISTMAS LUNCH at the Coliseum are finalized. Please make a diary note now and enjoy what should be a very entertaining day, evening, night……….Ahh.
Coliseum Café & Hotel, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. KL. (Batu Road for the old timers)
Friday 10th December 2010
Assemble at the Bar at 12:00 noon where beer, wine & soft drinks will be served on a running tab. Lunch will be taken at 13:00 in a reserved and private area in the back room of the restaurant. (Highlighted for the more sensative members.)
During lunch you will be expected to wear festive head ware (Santa hats, Antlers etc.) or the paper hat from the crackers. Santa beards are optional.
You are asked to contribute to the festivities by singing a song, telling a joke or otherwise entertain your fellow Cannons for a few minutes during lunch.
Oxtail Soup (homemade I am assured!)
Roll & Butter
Signature Steak Pie  **
Fried Banana & Ice Cream
** This really is rather good. It comes in
a bloody great bowl with pie crust,
great lumps of steak, half eggs, carrots
& spuds in a thick gravey and you all dig in.
Each person to bring one Bottle of good wine or other beverage of their choiceMANDATORY.
Those wishing to provide a nice bottle of something stronger in addition to the bottle of wine are very welcome to do so.
We require RM100 IN ADVANCE towards the cost of lunch, drinks, corkage and festive accompaniments. We expect this will be enough but if we are short we will have a whip round. CONFIRMATION of ATTENDANCE.
We need to know IN ADVANCE how many to cater for. Please respond via Email ASAP with your CONFIRMATION. Please make payment in CASHto Andrew Robinson at the next game or myself at your earliest convenience not later than 30th November 2010.
So, YES you can get BEER and NO you don’t have to walk down Batu Road in antlers and NO you don’t have to wear blue jeans and PLEASE make an effort to learn a few lines to entertain your pals and help the party swing.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the Coliseum on the 10th December.

Xmas Lunch – Coliseum Cafe – 10th December 2010

Arrangements for the CHRISTMAS LUNCH at the COLISEUM are finalized. Please make a diary note now and enjoy what should be a very entertaining day, evening, night……….Ahh.
Coliseum Café & Hotel, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. KL. (Batu Road for the old timers)
Friday 10th December 2010
Assemble at the Bar at 12:00 noon where drinks will be served on a running tab. Lunch will be taken at 13:00 in a reserved and private area in the back room of the restaurant.
Blue Jeans, Tee shirt and festive head ware (Santa hats, Antlers etc., MANDATORY) Santa beards are optional.
You are required to contribute to the festivities by singing a song, telling a joke or otherwise entertain your fellow Cannons for about 5 mins during lunch. MANDATORY.

Oxtail Soup (homemade I am assured!)
Roll & Butter
Signature Steak Pie
Fried Banana & Ice Cream
Each person to bring one Bottle of good wine. MANDATORY.
Those wishing to provide a nice bottle of something stronger in addition to the bottle of wine are very welcome to do so.
We require RM100 IN ADVANCE towards the cost of lunch, drinks, corkage and festive accompaniments. We expect this will be enough but if we are short we will have a whip round. CONFIRMATION of ATTENDANCE.
We need to know IN ADVANCE how many to cater for. Please respond via Email ASAP with your CONFIRMATION. Please make payment in CASH to Andrew Robinson at the next game or Mike Smith at your earliest convenience not later than 30th November 2010.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the Coliseum on the 10th December.

Loose Cannons Xmas Lunch – 10th December 2010

The Loose Cannon’s Xmas lunch will be held at the prestigious Coliseum Restaurant on Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman on Friday 10th December. Andrew Robinson and Mike Smith will be firming up details for this event but please block this out in your diary …. and while you are at it probably better block out most of the next day!
Please make arrangements for non-self-drive transport that day as there will be in all probability an excess of rehydration materials available for the duration of the luncheon which will no doubt cause post-luncheon drowsiness, slurred speech and a moderate to total inability to use one’s limbs for perambulation.