Results – Amverton Cove – 20th February 2018


IMG_7773There were 16 players this morning for our game at Amverton Cove and we started from 2 tee boxes ta 8:00am. The weather was good although it got very hot and humid by the back 9. The course was fairly quiet (other than the noisy caddies!) and we made good time around the 18 holes. The course was in better condition and the fairways seemed to have more grass on them now.

After the game we had lunch at the club which was surprisingly good – beer in cans only – but no one seemed to go thirsty!



The winner today was Bernie Schobert with 84 for 39 points on count back to Stan Constantinides who came 2nd with 90 for 39 points. Best gross of the day was Jason Winter with 78. Full results below:

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